Thank for the info from Liz at the College and Harri for the additional sharing…

Dear All

You may have noticed that plane noise has increased this year on campus [In Egham/Englefield Green] – this is due to trials taking place re westerly departures from



Heathrow meaning that planes are flying directly over Englefield Green and the campus. So that the trial routes aren’t implemented permanently we need to make our thoughts known. Heathrow need to know the strength of feeling before any change will take place! The plane noise is so bad at times that it has been difficult to listen to voice mails or hold conversations without having to shout.  It will also affect students in their lectures, exams, working in laboratories, working on media and drama productions as well as impacting on the social life of staff and students making use of this lovely campus.

If you feel it is affecting you and your working or home environment please do sign the petition by clicking on the following link: and please do forward on to anyone else you may feel will be affected.

You can check out Airspace Modernisation for more info – it’s very detailed but the info has been summarised and the consequences for us on the petition itself.

Many thanks


About Roger Nield MBE

Safety Director for the SMPL Organisation and supporting our Vulnerable Veterans Programme.
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